Squeaking like screen doors
so quick you can barely see who
or what they are -- there,
against the sky, the scudding clouds, high
above the rooftop, they are dusk’s
dark angels
or spirits from another place,
their grace
unearthly. Little aliens perhaps;
not unfriendly, or if so, only
to bugs.
Can you make up a song for a bat to sing?
Here's some fun facts about bats to get you started.
Number one:
Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
Number two:
Bats do not suck your blood they eat fruit and bugs.
Number three:
We hadly ever get to see bats because they come out at night when we are sleeping.
Number four:
Bats are not blind at all, they see very well. We say they're blind because we can't find things in the dark.
Number five:
Bats hang upside down when they sleep they don't fall down like you or I would if we slept that way.
Now that you know these cool things about bats can you make up your own bat song?